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Tassecst.jpg (69001 bytes)

Tasmania,  South East Coast

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Port Arthur,   old convict prison.

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London Lakes, Central Tasmania

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London Lakes fly fishing lodge

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Resident Wombat, London Lakes Lodge

The following photos are from our Tasmanian tour in Oct-Nov 2008

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Boarding the boat to "Explore the Edge" with Bruny Island Charters

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The back seat was comfortable and dry, but the motors were noisy.

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Through the eye of the needle

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Crown Rock and the passage that we drove through.

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Highest vertical shoreline cliffs in Australia. Fluted Cape is 272m high!

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Blow hole

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Friar Rocks

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Summer seal colony, Friar Rocks

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Our boat, the Silver Gull

For further info: http://www.brunycruises.com.au/

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Rural vista on the return trip to the ferry

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On the ferry back to the mainland

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Down town Hobart, historical buildings

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Tahune forest Air Walk, 20m high, but safe.

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Looking up at the airwalk

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The cantilever

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View from the end of the cantilever looking up to the junction of the Huon and Picton rivers.

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Huon River

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Tanin stained water in the Huon River

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Horizontal tree. The early explorer's nightmare!

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Tree fairy

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One of two new suspension bridges on the river circuit walk.

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Southport Lagoon ?

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Street market in Hobart

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Tasmanian wildflowers

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Old houses at Battery Point with Mt. Wellington in the background

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Looking across Oyster Bay to Freycinet Peninsula

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Cove at Bicheno

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Looking North up the coast from Bicheno

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Fairy or Little Penguin North from Bicheno

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Penguin on the nest


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Beach North of Bicheno, looking South to Bicheno

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Cuttlefish bone

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Cove at Bicheno

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Friendly Beach looking South to the Freycinet Peninsula

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Honeymoon Bay looking towrds the pass leading to Wineglass Bay

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Elisabeth braving the cold water

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View looking North over Wineglass bay  (Photo on car park information board.)

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On the track to Wineglass Bay

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Granite boulder

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Looking back over Oyster Bay

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Wineglass Bay from the lookout

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Wallaby on the beach

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Beach at Wineglass Bay, looking South

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Northern end of Wineglass bay beach

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Elisabeth saved the day a few times

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Two headed Wallaby at the car park!

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