Days 13-15

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  Day13   Cassidy's Pub to Galway

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Before departure, we walked the Templecronan Loop

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Some of Robert Cassidy's horses.

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Robert attending to a sick foal

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Robert Cassidy from Cassidy's Pub

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The walk started heading north along the road, then turned off to the right through agricultural land.

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There is not much earth on the hills, just weathered limestone with a thin topping.

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Elisabeth crossing a stile.

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The remains of the small 12 century church.

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One of the shrines from the original monastery

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The well

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Another view of the small well

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Another stile. There are lots of them around.

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Here one can see how little earth is on the limestone.

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Which way?

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The local church.

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and cemetry.

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We departed Carran and joined the R480 to visit the Poulnabrone Portal Tomb

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I recently read an article stating that DNA research on the human remains found in the tomb revealed that they had practised incest, indicating that the people buried here were considered diety. This has also been revealed in research on remains from New Grange and Knowth, as well as with the Pharoes of Egypt. The worldly people wor not worthy as partners!

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An explanation of the landscape.

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On the left side of the tomb in this photo one can clearly see the piece that has broken off the cap stone.

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The place is not as deserted as it looks. I often had to wait for the chance to photograph without tourists in the frame.

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We arrived in Galway and found parking for RV's by the harbour.

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We had dinner here,

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and entertainment here.

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This was real Irish folk music

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Day 14     Galway to Clifden

We followed the smaller coastal road and diverted to see Roundstone. The navi then tried to take us right back to the main road, but I decided to cut across on what turned out to be a very small road. We should driven via Ballyconneely, but it did not come up as an option.

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Downtown Gallway

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We walked beside the river to the Cathedral

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This was reasonably priced parking. The evening was a 4 Euro flat rate.

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On the way again. Lots of bog cotton.

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The small harbour at Roundstone

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And the wharf

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Peat or Coal?

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This was a bad decision. I'm glad we met no oncoming traffic as passing spots were rare.

The coastal road would most likely have been much better.

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On the water just south of Cliffden

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Cliffden camping and caravan park

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Day 15   Clifden to Shannon Bridge

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View from our pitch at Cliffden camping.

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A Robin came to visit.

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Connemara National Park visitors centre.

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Cut peat

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We took the lower Diamond Hill walk.

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These must Shetland sheep. See the notice a little further down.

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Connemara Ponies

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Looking west towards Inisbofin.

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A maze of waterways and islands.

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The longer walk would have climbed the mountain. It would have been a great view, but we had a long way to go.

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Here you can see where the peat has been removed from the bog.

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More bog cotton.

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And moss.

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Arriving at Kylemore Abbey

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Shannon Bridge

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We found overnight parking near this old bridge which was set up as a museum piece.

We even had showers and toilets as there was a wharf for boats beside us, but no camp grounds near here.

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The opening section of the old bridge has been set up here on display.

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In this photo you can see the new section of the bridge which has replaced the old opening bridge.

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